Extracted from The News-Star (Monroe, LA)
Thursday, July 22, 1971

Mule Is Thought To Be Killer Of Farmer In Winn

News-Star News Service

SIKES -- The body of a Sikes farmer was found about 2 p.m. Wednesday on his farm pasture. He was apparently “mauled” by a mule.

Winn Parish Sheriff officials said they could not determine whether Robert Thornton, 71, suffered an attack, fell and was struck by the mule or was actually killed by the animal. Thornton had the broken bridle in his hand when found by a neighbor. His body bore numerous hoof and teeth marks, officials said.

Thornton lived alone on the farm.

Funeral services were to be at 2:30 p.m. today at the Friendship Baptist Church near Sikes. Burial was to be in the church cemetery under direction of Southern Funeral Home of Winnfield.

He is survived by two sisters, Miss Kate Thornton and Mrs. Josie Rolen, both of Sikes.