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Extracted from The Madison Journal (Tallulah, LA)
Friday, October 7, 1938

Robert Tweddle Dies Monday At Stevens Clinic

Robert (Bob) Tweddle, for many years a resident of Tallulah, died early Monday morning at Stevens Clinic here where he had been taken when he became ill several days ago.

Mr. Tweddle was a member of one of the oldest families of Delhi, from which place he moved to Tallulah many years ago. During his residence here Mr. Tweddle was connected with several business enterprises. At one time he operated a cafe here, and several years was engaged in farming.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at three o'clock in Delhi with Rev. Holliday officiating. Interment was in the Masonic Cemetery in Delhi.

Mr. Tweddle is survived by a brother, George Tweddle, of Delhi, and his wife and daughter, Bobbie Lou.