Extracted from The Franklin Sun (Winnsboro, LA)
Wednesday, April 15, 1948

Tractor Accident Is Fatal to Youth At Liddieville

R. J. Roland [sic Rolen] Dies of Injuries Monday

Robert J. Roland [sic Rolen], 14 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Roland [sic Rolen], of near Liddieville, received fatal injuries when he fell beneath a tractor drawn plow near his home Monday afternoon.

The youth is reported to have been riding the tractor when he fell and was caught beneath the wheel of the vehicle and also struck by a plow being drawn behind the tractor. One of his legs was reported as severed from his body. He was rushed to a local clinic but died that night.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Boeuf River Baptist church with the Rev. T. J. Ratcliff officiating. Interment was in the Liddieville cemetery.

Besides his parents, the youth is survived by four brothers, Herman, James and David of Winnsboro and Louis, now stationed in Germany with the U. S. army, and a sister, Elaine Roland [sic Rolen], of Winnsboro.