Family groups left to right:

Henry Townsend, Cora Smith (d/o Robert Percy Smith and w/o Henry Townsend), Wafford Townsend (s/o Henry and Cora, held by Cora);

Walter R. Smith (s/o Robert Percy Smith), Isabel White (w/o Walter R. Smith), Curtis Smith (s/o Walter and Isabel, held by Isabel), Stacy and Delmer Smith (s/o Walter and Isabel, standing in front of their parents);

Nancy McCarty (d/o George McCarty and w/o Joseph Smith), Pauline (d/o Joseph and Nancy, held by Nancy), Alvin and Alton Smith (s/o Joseph and Nancy, standing in front of Nancy), Joseph Smith (s/o Robert Percy Smith);

Robert Percy Smith (family patriarch, known as ``Grandpa Bob''), Mary Lou Thornton (w/o Robert Percy Smith);

Rilla Ola Abrams (w/o Daniel Franklin Smith, pregnant with daughter Doris), Marie Smith (d/o Daniel and Rilla, held by Rilla), Carrie Lucille and Clara Smith (d/o Daniel and Rilla, standing in front of their parents), Daniel Franklin Smith (s/o Robert Percy Smith);

Ora Smith (d/o Robert Percy Smith), Etta Smith (d/o Robert Percy Smith), Eugene Debs Smith (s/o Robert Percy Smith), Clarence Smith (s/o Robert Percy Smith)

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