Extracted from The Eagle (Bryan-College Station, TX)
Sunday, September 17, 1967

Third Fatality In Bryan

Robert T. Eldridge Jr., 21, of Somerville, died minutes after his arrival at St. Joseph Hospital early Saturday morning.

His little white sportscar and a sedan driven by Alejandro F. Cazarez collided in Eldridge's west-bound lane on San Jacinto Road as Cazarez turned east onto the road from Saunders Street, shortly after 12:30 a.m. Saturday.

Cazarez, of 407 W. 22nd St., was treated at the hospital for a cut upper lip, was admitted for observation and released before noon Saturday. He told Bryan police at the hospital that Fred Ortega of Bryan was with him in the car. Eldridge was alone in his 1962 MG roadster.

Arrangements for Eldridge are pending in Bryan at the Callaway-Jones Funeral Home. Eldridge was born Aug. 21, 1946, in Washington County. He had served in the U. S. Marine Corps.

Eldridge is survived by his widow, Mrs. Shirley Graham Eldridge; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Eldridge Sr., all of Somerville; and two sisters, Mrs. Barbara Richardson and Mrs. Rosemary Luce, both of Bryan. The younger Eldridges had no children.

Eldridge is the third to die in Bryan traffic accidents this year.