Online Source:

The Heirs of Robert W. WOODS

Bibb County Administrator Records, “J”, 1865 - 1876
pages 486 – 488

[This only a small portion of this estate record.]

The State of Alabama, Bibb County

Personally appeared before me Jackson Gardner, Judge of Probate within the said county, F. G. Woods, who being by me first duly sworn says on oath that the above & foregoing account is correct & true & that he has not used any of the funds of said estate for his own use or benefit more than he has accounted for or charged himself with the interest thereof & that the following is a correct list of the heirs of said Estate To Wit:

  1. Nancy J. Woods the widow of said deceased of full age & a resident of Bibb County, Ala.
  2. Mary M. Arnold, a daughter of said deceased & wife of Wiley V. Arnold, both of full age & residents of said county.
  3. Robert E. Woods, a son of said deceased of full age & a resident of said county.
  4. Felix G. Woods, a son of said deceased of full age & a resident of said county.
  5. William D. Woods, a son of said deceased of full age & a resident of said county.
  6. Elizabeth W. Woods, a daughter of said deceased of full age & a resident of said county—but non compus mentis.
  7. John H. Woods, a son of said deceased of full age & a resident of the State of Louisiana & his Post Office being at Sparta in Bienville Parish in said State.
  8. The children of James L. Woods, deceased who was a son of said Robert W. Woods, deceased & who departed this life before the date of the death of said Robert W. Woods, deceased, to wit: 1. Oscar M. Woods, of full age, 2. Edward Woods, a minor; 3. William Woods, a minor & all residents of the State of Louisiana & their Post Office being at Sparta in Bienville Parish in said State.
  9. The children of Jane Wallace deceased who was a daughter of said Robert W. Woods, deceased & who departed this life before the date of the death of said Robert W. Woods, deceased, to wit: 1. Robert D. Wallace of full age; 2. James Wallace a minor; 3. Monroe Wallace a minor; 4. Henry Wallace a minor & all residents of Bibb county Ala.
  10. And the children of Catherine Cottingham, deceased who was a daughter of said Robert W. Woods, deceased, & who departed this life before the date of the death of said Robert W. Woods, deceased to Wit: 1. Sorona (?) Langston, wife of Jasper Langston, both of full age & residents of Bibb county, Ala. 2. Elisha Wilson Cottingham a minor & resident of Bibb County, Ala. 3. Martha A. (?) Cottingham, a minor & resident of Bibb County, Ala. 4. Parolee Cottingham a minor & resident of Bibb County, Ala. 5. Henrietta Cottingham a minor & resident of Bibb County, Ala. 6. John D. Cottingham a minor & resident of Bibb County, Ala.

Sworn to subscribed this 10th day of November 1871
F. G. Woods, Admr.
Jackson Gardner, Judge of Probate.

[Robert W. Woods is buried in the Six Mile Presbyterian Cemetery; His tombstone reads: Robert W. Woods, April 7, 1800 – March 2, 1868]