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Extracted from The Winn Parish Enterprise News-American (Winnfield, LA)
Thursday, August 8, 1957

Last Rites For Roy Cookston Will Be Held Friday

Last rites for Roy Cookston of Alexandria, retired Navy Commander, and a longtime former resident of Winnfield, will be held in Alexandria at Hixson Funeral Home some time Friday, with burial to follow in the Jonesboro, La., Cemetery.

Mr. Cookston died Wednesday at 10:15 a.m. in the Pensacola Navy Hospital. He had recently been a patient in the Bethesda, Maryland hospital. A salesman of machinery, Mr. Cookston was widely known in this area. He was a brother of the late W. C. Cookston of Winnfield.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lois Sullivan Cookston of Alexandria; one son, Roy Phillip Cookston, Dallas; two grandchildren; two nieces, Mrs. S. R. Jenkins, Winnfield, and Miss Tillie Cookston, Springhill.