Extracted from The Smithfield Herald (Smithfield, NC)
Friday, December 15, 1911

Death of Russell P. Parker

On last Friday night, December 8, Mr. Russell P. Parker, age 37 years, died at his home in Middlesex, N.C., after an illness lasting one week. He was taken with pneumonia on December 1st, and grew steadily worse until death ended his sufferings.

He was a son of Mr. Young E. Parker, of O'Neals township, Johnston county, and until about a year ago, lived on his farm in this county and was Rural Mail Carrier on Route No. 3 from Selma. After this Route was changed and made Middlesex No. 1, he moved to Middlesex in order to be more convenient to his work.

He enjoyed the confidence and respect of all who knew him and will be greatly missed.

About 12 years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Etta Hinton, daughter of Joseph Hinton, of O'Neals township, who with three children survive him. Besides these and his aged father and mother he leaves three brothers, three sisters and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn their loss.

The remains were buried with Masonic honors at Antioch church in Johnston county on last Saturday at 3:30 P.M. --Smithfield Journal.