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Estate of Samuel R. Lusk

To the Hon. Frank A. Lane Judge of Probate of Amite County Mississippi -
The Petition of Wilford G. Lusk of said County & State respectfully shows:
That Sam'l R. Lusk late of said County departed this life in the month of
August 1869, leaving no will as far as your petitioner knows or believes.
That at the time of the death of said intestate he was possessed of a tract
of land in said County, and personal estate consisting of hogs, horses,
cattle, growing crop of corn, cotton, and other personal property estimated
to be worth $1500. That your petitioner is the son and next of kin of said
decedent, and that the only surviving heirs of said intestate besides your
petitioner are Margaret R Lusk, Viola Lusk, Elizabeth Lusk, Thos Lusk,
Missouri Lusk and Jesse H Lusk his children all of whom are minors. That Jno.
Lusk son of dec'd has been absent & unheard of for 5 years whether dead or
alive petitioner <does not know> Your petitioner further shows that he is
advised it is necessary that some one should have the legal care and charge
of the estate of said deceased and to that end prays your Honor to grant him
letters of administration of the goods chattels rights of said decedent. He
offers as security on his administration bond James E. Jagers <marked through
and replaced with> Peter Ratcliff), George Stokes & Davidson Terrell out>, and suggests the names of Eason R. Wilkinson, James Nelson, Winston
Wilkinson, J. W. Day & Sam'l B Day as appraisers.
And as in duty bound &c
Wilford G Lusk
Sworn to in open Court }
September 13th 1869 }
A J Whittington D. C.

To the Hon. D. N. Walker Chancellor of the 18th Chancery District of the
State of Mississippi presiding the the Chancery Court of Amite County.
Humbly complaining represents unto your Honor your Orator W. G. Lusk of
said County & State, that Sam'l R. Lusk died on the day of 1869
seized in fee of the following lands in Amite County Mississippi viz: The W
½ of SE ¼ of Sec21, the NW ¼ of SE ¼ Sec33, SW ¼ & E ½ of SE ¼ of Sec 33, T.
4 R 2 East, containing 480 acres more or less-
That said Samuel R. Lusk left surviving him as heirs & joint owners of
said land the following children viz: Jno S. Lusk, Margaret R. Lusk & your
petitioner, sister & brothers of the whole blood, & Viola Lusk Elizabeth
Lusk, Missouri Lusk Thomas Lusk & Jesse H. Lusk brothers & sisters of the
whole blood, & brothers & sisters of the half blood to those first named-
Your Orator further shows that since the death of said Samuel R Lusk, the
said Margaret R Lusk has died, leaving said Jno S. Lusk & your petitioner as
her heirs & owners of her share of said land, & said Viola Lusk has also died
leaving said Elizabeth Lusk, Missouri Lusk, Thomas Lusk & Jesse H. Lusk as
her heirs & owners of her share of said land-
Your Orator further shows that owing to the nature & small quantity of
said lands & number of parties interested a sale of said lands would better
promote the interest of all parties interested than a partition of the same,
& the premises considered upon a hearing may it please your Honor to decree a
sale of said lands upon such terms as your Honor may deem best, & make all
such other orders & decrees as may be necessary to protect the rights of all
parties interested and to carry the sale into full effect-
Your Orator further shows that said Jno S. Lusk is a non resident of this
state & that his place of residence is unknown, that said Elizabeth Lusk is a
minor under the guardianship of Jordan Whittington, that said Missouri Lusk,
Thomas Lusk & Jesse H. Lusk are minors under the guardianship of your Orator,
& that Frances L. Gunter wife of Abner J. Gunter, Eliza Crum wife of Warren
Crum, & Adeline Crum are three of the next of kin of said minors, all of
Amite County Mississippi, & whom your Orators pray may be made parties
defendant to this Bill of Complaint, & that they be cited by publication &
summons to be and appear before your Hon Court on the first Monday in January
next to answer this Bill of Complaint-
And may it please your Honor to grant your Orator such further relief as
the nature of his cases requires, and as to equity <last line cut off on copy>

State of Mississippi }
Amite County }
Personally appeared before the undersigned Clerk of the Chancery
Court of said County the above named W. G. Lusk who on oath says that the
matters & things stated in the foregoing Bill of his own knowledge are true &
those stated on information & belief he believes to be true-
Sworn to & subscribed before me }
Clerk }