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Extracted from The Blocton Enterprise (Blocton, AL)
Thursday, March 20, 1941

Mrs. D. L. Riley Dies

Mrs. D. L. Riley, age 85, passed away Wednesday night at her home in West Blocton after a short illness. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. R. B. Keith, Birmingham; Mrs. J. H. Lawrence, McVeigh, Ky.; and Mrs. C. W. Hurst, West Blocton; one son, Ward Riley, Tuscaloosa; 14 grandchildren, and nine greatgrandchildren.

Funeral services were held at 11 A.M. Friday, March 14th, at the First Baptist Church, West Blocton, with the Rev. C. B. Martin, officiating, assisted by the Rev. W. B. Hope. Interment in Mt. Carmel cemetery with Collins directing.

Active pallbearers were Ellington, George and Frank Keith, Burt Hayes, Jr., Sam Adams, and Earl Thomas. Honorary pallbearers were Watson, Will and Homer Hollifield, John A. Cates, W. W. Perry, Dr. L. E. Peacock and deacons of the First Baptist Church.