Extracted from The Wood County Democrat (Quitman, TX)
Former Hawkins Resident Passes Away
Marshall, Texas, Dec. 24 -- Thomas J. Hensley, 64, died Tuesday at a local hopsital [sic hospital] after an extended illness.
Funeral arrangements are pending with Sullivan Funeral Home.
A native of Grand Saline, Hensley was born Nov. 15, 1893. He had been a resident of Marshall since 1929 and was a retired line foreman for the Southwestern Gas & Electric Co.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sarah Hensley, Marshall; three sons, Donald Hensley, Lone Star, Shelton Hensley, Marshall; and M. Sgt. Robert H. Hensley, with the U. S. Air Force in the Phillipines; two daughters, Mrs. Nelson Grimes, Pasadena, Mrs. Bill Vickery, Dallas; two brothers, Z. C. Hensley, Stockton, Calif., and B. H. Hensley, Grand Saline.
Thursday, January 2, 1958