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Extracted from The Franklin Sun (Winnsboro, LA)
Thursday, August 5, 1943

Ft. Necessity Resident Succumbs

Dalton Crum, 59, died at his home near here Wednesday after a long illness.

Funeral arrangements, being handled by the First National Funeral home of Winnsboro, had not been completed late Wednesday, but it is probable that services will be held at 2:30 o'clock Thursday at the Oak Grove cemetery.

Mr. Crum is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ida Crum; a daughter, Mrs. Rodie Ziegler of Fort Necessity; ten sons, Edgar, J. C., Roy, Tommy, Lonnie, Nolton, Odell and Henry Crum, all of Fort Necessity, Sula Crum of Keesler field, Miss., and Private Earl Crum of Fort Knox, Ky.; and three brothers and two sisters.