The last Will and Testament of William Manley.

I William Manley of Garrettsville, Co. of Portage and State of Ohio do hereby make publish and declare the following to be my last will and testament.

Item 1st On condition that my eldest son William Harlow Manley urges no claims or demands against me or my estate for his services during the last twelve years, and on the further condition that he maintain and support me during the remainder of my life from the proceeds of the farm as heretofore, I give and bequeath to him the said William Harlow Manley all of subdivision No. 10 of Lot No. 2 in Garrettsville. Also all that part of Subdivision No. 1 of said lot which lies west of the west line of the present cemetery and extending said cemetery line North to the N. line of said lot No. 2 and South to the center of Center Street, being 50 acres or more embraced in this bequest; Also all the farm stock, farming implements including horses carriages wagons, also the products of said land of which I may die possessed.

Item 2nd After paying all my just debts, funeral expenses and erecting a suitable monument at my grave, it is my will that the residue of my estate be equally divided between my three sons William Harlow Manley, Uriah C. Manley and Cyrus J. Manley, and I hereby bequeath the same to them to be equally shared or disposed of and the proceeds divided as they may mutually agree.

In testimony whereof I hereby set my hand and seal this 30th day of April 1886.

William Manley (seal)

At the request of William Manley and in his presence and in the presence of each other we hereunto Sign our names as witnesses to the fact of the execution of this instrument, in our presence, by this said William Manley, who declared the same to be his last will and testament and also that from long acquaintance with the testator we believe him to [be] possessed of sound memory and disposing mind.

Witness our hand this 30th day of April 1886

Fred L. Tidball
J. Cole
L. L. Johnson

Garrettsville Ohio April 30th 1886.

I hereby certify as my professional opinion that William Manley is of sound mind & memory

G. A. Tidball, M.D.