Extracted from The Butler Herald (Butler, GA)
Thursday, April 10, 1930


Former Taylor County Citizen Died Saturday at His Home in Americus After Brief Illness. Funeral at Reynolds

Our county was saddened by the death of Mr. William Robert Whatley, of Americus, who passed away about 4 o'clock Saturday morning after a brief illness from pneumonia.

The deceased was born in this county about 52 years ago, the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Whatley, both now deceased, and a member of one of Taylor county's most prominent and honored families. He spent his life time in Taylor county until about five years ago when he moved to Americus and has since been operating one of the largest farms in Sumter county, located about two miles from Americus.

So long as he resided in Taylor county Mr. Wh[a]tley was closely identified with the progress and growth of this section, with church and civic affairs. Carrying these qualities with him to his adopted home at Americus he soon formed a close connection with the Baptist church, of which he was a devout member, with civic activities and everything that was for the betterment of his section. He there formed a large circle of devoted friends, who with those of his native county are deeply grieved by his death.

Accompanied by a large number of friends and relatives from Americus the remains of Mr. Whatley were taken to Reynolds Sunday for interment. Funeral services for the deceased were conducted by Rev. John R. Joyner, pastor of Americus Central Baptist church, of which Mr. Whatley was a member.

Besides his wife, who before their marriage was Miss Lula Long, of Garden Valley, Mr. Whatley is survived by two daughters, Mrs. W. T. Gregory of Vienna, and Miss Caroline Whatley, of Americus, four sons, Pasley, Aultman, Paul and Bob Whatley all of Americus; four sisters, Mrs. J. J. Childres, of Fort Valley; Mrs. O. H. Simmons and Mrs. Jack Barfield, of Garden Valley, and Miss Victoria Whatley, of Greensboro, and one brother, David Whatley, of Montezuma.