Extracted from The Butler Herald (Butler, GA)
Thursday, July 2, 1931

W. T. Whatley's Death Tuesday Greatly Deplored.

Perhaps the passing of no one in Reynolds or Taylor county would have awakened a more profound expression of sorrow than became general when about noon Tuesday the news of the death of Mr. W. T. (Troy) Whatley was flashed over the wires from Macon and reached the ears of his relatives and friends throughout this section.

Having been ill for a few days Mr. Whatley was admitted to the Oglethorpe Infirmary at Macon Sunday for treatment. His condition was not considered serious until Tuesday morning when he grew rapidly worse in spite of every effort possible by eminent physicians to save his life and died about 12 o'clock.

Mr. Whatley, who was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Whatley, was 31 years of age, born reared and educated in Reynolds. After reaching manhood he entered enthusiastically into the agricultural and business world, and into all kinds of work in which he saw fit to engage he demonstrated great ability and was favored with a goodly portion of success. At the time of his illness and for several years previous to that time he was engaged in the warehouse and commission business besides operating a large farm near Reynolds.

Not only members of his own and his parents' family have been richly blessed by the life of Troy Whatley, but the church, the town, the county and citizens generally as well -- he being a man of such high ideals and noble character, cheerful, optimistic, modest, courteous and unselfish in all the relations of life.

Mr. Whatley was a consistent member of the Reynolds Baptist church as well as a true Mason.

The sympathy of many friends are extended the parents in the loss of a noble son, and to the devoted wife and daughter on account of the sudden separation from one whose life was marked by courage, love and devoted attachment to his home. This splendid wife, who now enters widowhood was before her marriage to Mr. Whatley about eight years ago Miss Elizabeth Smith of Leesburg. They have only one child -- a daughter -- Gloria, age six.

Four brothers and one sister also survive him, towit: Mr. T. Whatley, Commissioner of Taylor County; Dr. H. C. Whatley, prominent druggist of Reynolds; Dr. C. E. Whatley, county veterinarian; J. E. Whatley, farmer; Mrs. B. W. Hinton

Funeral services for Mr. Whatley were conducted at the Reynolds Baptist church yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock by Rev. J.A. Ivey assisted by Rev. M. O. Williams, followed by interment of the remains in Hill Crest cemetery.

Suffice it to say that Mr. Whatley who was a devoted husband and father, a loyal friend and a faithful Christian, has gone to be rewarded, but the inspiration of his life will long remain to lead his loved ones and a host of friends to live lives of usefulness in Christian service.