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Extracted from The Winn Parish News-American (Winnfield, LA)
Friday, October 8, 1926

Men Of Affairs In Winn Parish

Winfred S. Emmons, Educator, Leader and Business Man of Sikes

Educator, leader and business man are all combined in the life of W. S. Emmons of Sikes, the subject of our sketch this week of men prominent in affairs of Winn parish.

Winfred S. Emmons, age 41, was born at Gaars Mill, where he grew to young manhood, receiving his early education in the schools of Gaars Mill, Mineral Springs, and Hudson, afterwards entering Baylor University where he graduated with honors, receiving his A. B. Degree, June 1916.

The unusual ability of Mr. Emmons was so manifest in his college work, that during his junior and senior years at Baylor University he was employed as teacher of history in that institution.

Upon his graduation he served as principal of the high school at Childress, Texas for the 1918-19 session.

Apart from his activities in the University in pursuit of a higher education, Mr. Emmons has given ten years of his life teaching in the public schools of Winn parish and his work as a teacher has been characterized by his high ideals for progress, prosperity, and growth in the communities in which he has labored.

His edcuation, training, business connection and wide experience in life has fitted him at the age of 41 to be what he is, a leader in his community.

He is now a member of the general firm of Abrams-Emmons of Sikes.

Mr. Emmons is a man of high Christian character, a Baptist in belief, a member of the Mineral Springs Baptist Church, and has been active as Bible class teacher.

August 14th, 1917, Mr. Emmons was married to Miss Clara Wilson and to this union three children have been born. They are Winfred S., Jr., Martel, and Glenroy.

Mrs. Emmons, as well as her husband has pursued her course in college, receiving an A. B. Degree from Baylor University in 1917, a year after Mr. Emmons graduated.

When asked for his views on the possibilities of the parish in which he lived he stated that from his observations Winn Parish is distinctively agricultural and when properly developed will afford opportunities equal to the test.

Speaking of the school system and of educational interests of the parish he said, ``Interest in education and the growth of our schools have been little short of marvelous.''

Mr. Emmons is a close student of politics and economics. His deductions in the political realm are based on his knowledge of human nature and of economic conditions of the country. In political sentiment he is a Democrat but has never held any political office, so we see that his interests in such affairs are certainly unselfish and truly of service to his fellowmen and his community. Few men are better known in the business circles of his community and none more respected than Mr. Emmons. His personal and business interests make of him one of Winn Parish's favorite sons.

In every movement designed for the purpose of furthering the progress and prosperity of Sikes and the entire of Winn Parish he has been an active factor. In all matters of civic and religious character he is a leader.