Extracted from The Shreveport Times (Shreveport, LA)
Thursday, November 30, 1916


Special to The Times.

Dodson, La., Nov. 29. -- News of the death of Z. T. Faith was received here shortly before midnight Monday night, the end coming at about 7 o'clock Monday evening at the North Louisiana Sanitarium, Shreveport, where he was carried Saturday for an operation for appendicitis, him home being at Dodson. The remains, accompanied by Dr. J. F. Faith, son of the deceased, J. W. Faith, another son of the dead man, and his son-in-law, W. L. Dark, the two latter of Gaars Mills, arrived on the 10 o'clock train this morning, a large number of relatives and friends of the family being in waiting at the depot for the sad arrival.

Funeral services were held this morning at 11 o'clock at Harmony Grove Baptist church, near Gaars Mills, Revs. H. B. Mercer of Pineville and C. E. Foster of Jonesboro delivering the funeral orations. Mr. Faith was about 69 years old and was a member of the Baptist church, Knights of Pythias and also held membership in the Masonic fraternity, the burial services were conducted under the supervision of the last named order. Mr. Faith was a good citizen, devoted to his family, church and country, all of whom will sadly miss him. He leaves a large number of relatives and a host of admiring friends to regret his suddent death, having only been taken ill Wednesday night of last week.