Extracted from The Monroe Morning World (Monroe, LA)
Sunday, October 3, 1948

Mary Jo Boyt Weds Mr. Otis J. Baldwin

Of interest throughout this section of the state was the marriage of Miss Mary Jo Boyt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fillip Boyt, formerly of Monroe and now of Youngstown, Ohio, and Mr. Otis J. Baldwin, son of Mrs. Earl Duke of Columbia, La. The wedding was solemnized Friday, September 24, at 7 p. m., in the First Methodist Church of this city, with the Rev. A. M. Serex officiating, in the double-ring ceremony.

The church was decorated with pedestal baskets of pink asters, and candelabra holding white tapers, which were lighted by Mr. James Holtzclaw. Prior to the ceremony, Mr. Charles Biggar sang “Ave Maria” and “Because.” The organist, Mrs. John Sholars, played “Clair de Lune” throughout the ceremony.

Mrs. Charles Biggar, sister of the bride, was her only attendant. She was wearing a pink gabardine suit and small blue hat of feathers and a corsage of white carnations. Mr. DeVon Alford served as best man. Ushers were Mr. Holtzclaw and Mr. Raymond Sweet.

The bride, given in marriage by Mr. Sidney C. Griffin, close friend of the family, wore a soft aqua gabardine tailleur and a closely fitting hat fashioned of pink feathers. She carried a white Bible on which were placed white carnations and tuberoses showered with satin ribbon streamers and tuberoses.

Mrs. J. F. Boyt, mother of the bride, wore a gown of pink crepe and a white carnation corsage. The mother of the groom, Mrs. Earl Duke, was attired in a gray fall model with pink carnations at the shoulder.

Immediately following the ceremony, an informal reception was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Biggar.

The bride's table was centered with a three-tiered wedding cake, beautifully embossed, and surmounted by bride and groom figurines. It was flanked on either side by white candles in silver holders. The theme of white was further developed in gardenias placed at each corner of the table. After the cutting of the cake by the bride and groom, this confection and petits fours were served with punch by Misses Dorothy Saucier, Nell Forman and Betty Woods. The bride's book was presided over by Miss Theresa Thomisee.

The bride is a graduate of Ouachita Parish High School, and attended Northeast Junior College. The groom graduated from Columbia High School and he presently is continuing his studies at Northeast Junior College.

Following a brief wedding trip, the couple are now making their home at 1012 Jackson street.