Extracted from The Port Arthur News (Port Arthur, TX)
Monday, May 11, 1931

Tendered Shower

Honoring Mrs. E. T. Corley, a recent bride who was formerly Miss Louise Boersma, Mrs. George Boersma and Miss Sylvia Boersma entertained with a shower Friday evening at their home, 2417 Eighth street. Games and contests gave diversion and ices were served. Attending were Misses Doris Stimpson, Hazel Warren, Fannie Peveto, Bessie Peveto, Mesdames W. E. Matthews, Hattie Corley, J. A. Wetsel, K. E. Warren, L. A. Whip, W. C. Lee, J. T. Corley, T. S. Chevls, J. S. Stimpson, L. Henderson, J. J. Burton, K. Warren, E. H. Ratcliffe, Eugene DeFrates, T. J. Drouett, John Peveto, and John Boersma. Gifts were also received from Mesdames George Akerman, C. M. Corley, Clifford Bihm, Claude Henderson, T. K. Furlow, Gladys Ellerbe, and A. Bertin.