Extracted from The Shreveport Times (Shreveport, LA)
Sunday, December 19, 1954

Mr. and Mrs. Gaar of Dodson Observe 56th Anniversary

DODSON, La., Dec. 18 (Special) Sunday, Dec. 12, Mr. and Mrs. Barton Gaar celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary at their home in Dodson. They were united in marriage on Dec. 14, 1898 in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Horace Caldwell at Gaars Mill just six miles east of Dodson. Six sons and one daughter were born to this union and all are living. They include D. Malcolm Gaar, James Gaar, Baton Rouge; Gordon B. Gaar, D. E. Gaar, Monroe; A. E. Gaar, Clinton; Guy Gaar Sr., Dodson, and Mrs. Roy Dahl, West Monroe. The late Rev. W. M. D. Gaar officiated at the services.

Mr. Gaar was born and reared in Winn Parish and with the exception of three years has always resided in Winn. Mrs. Gaar was born Laura Carrol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Car[r]ol, was born in Franklin Parish, moved with her parents to Columbia when an infant and at the age of 15 came to Winn Parish where she has since resided. She was 75 on April 4, and Mr. Gaar 77 on May 13.

Enjoying the delicious dinner and talk fest during the day were Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Gaar, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gaar, Baton Rouge; Guy Gaar, and Guy Gaar Jr., Dodson; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Garr, Clinton, La.; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Gaar, and Barbara Ann, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Gaar and Miss Lynda Gaar all of Monroe; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dahl, Karen, Roy Jr., and Philip of West Monroe; Mrs. S. H. Gaar, Dodson. Mr. and Mrs. Gaar have 12 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. All members of the family were present except two daughters-in-law and eight grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Several friends called throughout the day and extended congratulations.