Extracted from The Corpus Christi Caller-Times (Corpus Christi, TX)
Sunday, June 30, 1946

Dewey Pucketts Have Open House

Mr. and Mrs. Dewey H. Puckett of 916 Comanche Street observed their silver wedding anniversary with open house Thursday night.

A theme of white and silver was carried out in decorations. An arrangement of white gladioli daisies and fern centered the lace-covered table, where refreshments were served by Mrs. Joe Hellman and Mrs. V. E. Brawner.

Mrs. A. W. Wilder and Allen Huddlestone won high score in games played during the evening.

The couple received a number of silver and crystal gifts. Their daughter, Mrs. Jake Soles, presided over the guest book, in which 40 guests registered.

Among out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Huddleston of San Diego and Mrs. S. R. Rasmussen of Skidmore.