Extracted from the Olympia Daily Recorder (Olympia, WA)
Friday, December 1, 1905

Fair Olympian Is Thanksgiving Bride

Miss Mildred Duby, a popular young girl of this city, and Mr. Blaine Eshman [sic Eshom], of Gate City, were united in marriage yesterday at 12 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Duby, Twenty-first and Washington streets. The rooms were handsomely decorated with chrysanthemums and a beautiful floral bell, under which the ceremony was performed. Rev. Dr. R. M. Hayes officiated. Miss Pearl Levee acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Will Duby, brother of the bride, was best man.

After the ceremony, a bounteous repast was served. The bridal couple left on the evening train for Gate City, where they will make their home.

Mr. and Mrs. Eshman [sic Eshom] have the best wishes of their many friends.

Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Grant Childers, Mr. and Mrs. George Eshman [sic Eshom], Mrs. Frank Littlejohn, Miss Pearl Levee, and Mr. Fred Levee.

The wedding presents were numerous and beautiful.