Extracted from the Olympia Daily Recorder (Olympia, WA)
Thursday, September 8, 1910


``She's dubious and doubtful
But one thing sure is at stake
All the chances left are slim ones
In the question of the cake''.

The above verse appearing in the commencement number of the Olympia High School Olympus in connection with the picture of Miss Pearl Duby, members of the graduating class of 1910, was something of a riddle to many of her friends, but the riddle has been solved by Miss Duby winning title to the aforesaid cake, a feature of a class affair at one of the girl's homes, by being the first one of the class to wed. The groom is Robert G. Yantis, foreman of the The Record press department, and a popular young man in this city. The marriage ceremony took place this afternoon at Centralia, near where the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Duby, have been making their home for the past year or so. So quiet has Mr. Yantis been about the approaching nuptials that the announcement of their marriage will come as a general surprise. Without giving away his plans, Mr. Yantis has also managed to build a pretty bungalow home, corner of Nineteenth and Water streets, where the young couple will be at home to their many friends after October 1. They are now on a brief bridal trip down Sound.

The bride is a vivacious, charming young lady, one of the most popular members of the last graduating class and a general favorite with a wide circle of friends. Since graduation she has been living with her parents at a lumber camp near Centralia of which Mr. Duby is in charge.

The groom comes of an old pioneer family, is an expert pressman and has been head of this department of The Recorder plant for a number of years. The young couple will have the congratulations and best wishes of a host of friends in this city.