Extracted from The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, TX)
Saturday, February 26, 1944

Miss Dunahoe Marries Lieut. Haynes

In a ceremony Sunday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Moore, Miss Helen Dunahoe became the bride of Lieut. C. J. Haynes. Dr. Samuel L. Terry officiated and the bride was given in marriage by Mr. Moore.

Miss Jewell Hallmark was bridesmaid and Cpl. Myron T. Sammons was best man. Mrs. Carl Swanson played the wedding marches.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. [sic P. J.] Dunahoe of Houston. She is a graduate of Jefferson Davis High School of that city. As a war worker, she was employed at a local aviation field and with a railroad.

Lieutenant Haynes is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haynes of Ben Wheeler, Texas. He is a graduate of Van High school. He is a pilot, stationed at Hondo.

After a trip to North Texas, including a visit with the bridegroom's parents, the couple are at home in Hondo.