Extracted from The Ruston Daily Leader (Ruston, LA)
Friday, February 11, 1972

Miss Gaar to Wed

Home Wedding Planned by Couple

Mr. and Mrs. Earl David Gaar of Bernice announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Susan Gayle, to Monte Eric Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. William V. Smith, also of Bernice.

The double ring ceremony will be solemnized in the home of the bride's parents on Saturday, February 26.

The bride-elect has chosen as her maid of honor her sister, Miss Teresa Ann Gaar. Matron of honor will be Mrs. Joe Butler, Jr. of Shreveport.

William V. Smith will attend his son as best man, and Guy Wesley Cagel will serve as groomsman.

The bride-to-be is a graduate of Bernice High School and the Mile-Hi Cosmetology College of Denver, Colorado. Mr. Smith is graduated from Bernice High School and Louisiana Tech University. Following their marriage, they will make their home in Ruston.