Extracted from The Port Arthur News (Port Arthur, TX)
Dora Mae Gentz To Be Married To A. Sudduth
Wedding To Take Place Friday At Home Of Rev. and Mrs. Hampton
Scheduled to take place Friday evening at 8 o'clock is the marriage of Dora Mae Gentz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gentz of Groves, to Cadet Staff Sergeant Aubrey Sudduth, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sudduth, 1912 17th street. The wedding will be solemnized at the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. S. W. Hampton, pastor of the Grace Nazarene church.
Elizabeth Bourden will be Miss Gentz' only attendant. Arthur Allen will serve as best man.
The bride-elect is a senior at Thomas Jefferson high school and will graduate in January. Cadet Sudduth, a graduate of Thomas Jefferson high school, is a student at Allen Academy in Bryan.
Thursday, December 17, 1942