
G.W. TAUNTON Letter to Cousin Penny AMERSON

July 16th, 1864
Camp near Atlanta, Ga.

Dear Cousin

It is with pleasure that I take my pen in hand to let you
know that I am yet in the land of the livin. Hopin these lines may
reech and find you and the rest of the family all well and livin well.
Cousin I have not much of intrust to write tho it is some fighten goin
on hear everday. Cousin I have seen a hard time since I have been up
hear. I have been fightin everday since I have been up hear. Think the
yanks is goin to leave here for they have found out that they cant gite
Atlanta and they are goin to try some other place. I think that we will
whip the yanks hear back for we have whip them ever time they come on to
us. Cousin I thought that I would git to come and see you all the forth
of July but it was so that I could not come down but if I live till this
fight is over I will come to see you all. I would of stop and you as I
past by I was with prisoners. I have wrote to you severl times and have
not got any letter yet. I would be glad to hear from you and the rest
of the family. Cousin as I have nothin to write that will interest you
I will come to close for this time. You must excuse my bad writin for
my pen is bad so nothin now but remain you affectionate cousin tell

G. W. Taunton