Extracted from The Berkeley Daily Gazette (Berkeley, CA)
Tuesday, August 25, 1936

Troth Told at Dance

At a dinner and dancing part given in the Ivory Room of Oakland Oakland last Saturday night, in compliment to their daughter, Miss Sydney Ann Jones, on her twenty-second birthday, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones of Hillegass Avenue announced her engagement to William F. McCullough of this city.

The betrothal came as a complete surprise to the 30 guests who were enjoying the evening.

Miss Jones was graduated from Oakland High School and attended the University of California, where she was a member of Phi Omega Pi. She is now employed in the comptroller's office at the University.

Mr. McCullough is the son of J. McCullough of Tacoma, Wash. He is a graduate of the College of Puget Sound and is now with the research department of the Standard Oil Company. The couple plans to marry early next year.

The guests were seated at a long table that had for its centerpiece a large birthday cake surrounded by pink roses. Tall pink tapers were held by attractive brass candelabra.

Extracted from The Berkeley Daily Gazette (Berkeley, CA)
Saturday, April 3, 1937

Sydney Jones Entertained

Miss Sydney Ann Jones, whose marriage to William F. McCullough will be an event of April 10 at St. Clement's Episcopal Church, continues to be the inspiration for a round of delightful entertainment. Among those who have entertained for her recently was Miss Clara Atterbury, who gave a kitchen shower. Guests were the Misses Clara Thiemey, Wilhelmina Younquist, Gloria Barnes, Hannah Swartz, Iris Atterbury, Juliet Luebert and Mesdames Robert Claxten and Robert Erickson.

The Misses Margaret Boardman and Martha Jean Love were hostesses recently at an orange kitchen shower for the bride-elect. Guests enjoying the affair were the Misses Ruth Evans, Elaine Erath, Jaline Barley, Virginia Ryland, Virginia Walsh, Evelyn Husted, Amelia Allen, Elaine Morgan, Nancy June Loyd, Aileen Cunningham, Anita Campbell, Mildred Culpepper and Mesdames Merle Baskt and Louis DeMonte.

Extracted from The Berkeley Daily Gazette (Berkeley, CA)
Wednesday, April 7, 1937

Dinner for Wedding Party

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones will entertain at a dinner party Friday night in honor of their daughter, Sydney Ann, and her fiance, William F. McCullough, and members of their wedding party. The dinner will take place at Hotel Durant. In addition to members of the bridal party there will be several out-of-town guests.

Later in the evening there will be a rehearsal of the marriage ceremony followed by an informal evening at the Jones home.