Extracted from The Butler Herald (Butler, GA)
Tuesday, July 4, 1911

Jones -- Whatley

On last Thursday afternoon Mr. David Whatley accompanied by Miss Henrietta Jones drove up to the parsonage in Reynolds and presented themselves as candidates for matrimony. They were ushered into the parlor where Rev. Z.T. Weaver united them in the holy bonds of wedlock, only a few friends being present. The brown-eyed bride was prettily attired in white silk. She is from Garden Valley and is a member of one of the best families of that place, being the beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Jones; however, she has spent most of her time with her cousin, Mrs. Chas. Daniel in Reynolds where she has won many friends by her pleasant manner. The groom is a progressive farmer of Taylor County. Their many friends wish them a bonny voyage thru the sea of matrimony.