Extracted from The Shreveport Times (Shreveport, LA)
Sunday, June 4, 1916


The marriage of Miss Hattie Kirtley, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kirtley, to Mr. J. Morris Emmons of Jonesboro, was beautifully celebrated Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Baptist church, Rev. Powell performing the ceremony. The church was beautifully decorated with exquisite flowers, ferns and pot plants. Just before the ceremony Miss Stella Boggs gave a vocal and instrumental program which included: “Traumeri” (Schumann), “Annie Laurie” Scotch; “Because” (Guy d'Hardelot), Wedding March (Mendelssohn), Miss Frankie Kirtley, a sister of the bride, was maid of honor, Misses Mazelle Boggs and Ruth Nuckolls attended as bridesmaids. Little Eloise Sanders and Eugenia Copeland of Canfield, Ark., were the attractive little flower girls. Mr. Emmons was attended by his best man, Mr. H. Morris, of Jonesboro. Miss Frankie Kirtley was gowned in a beautiful while voile with touches of lace and carried a bo[u]quet of sweet peas. Miss Boggs in a white hand-embroidered batiste, with lace and ribbons, carried a bo[u]quet of sweet peas. The little flower girls were daintily dressed in white net dresses with blue ribbons and carried baskets of colored sweet peas.

The bride was attired in a lovely suit of white, with hat and shoes to match, making a lovely bride. She carried a bride's bo[u]quet of large white sweet peas, carnations and ferns. Mr. Emmons was in a suit of conventional black. Mr. Morris was also in a suit of black.

The wedding presents were numerous, including silver, cut glass and linens.

Mr. and Mrs. Emmons left on the afternoon train for their home in Jonesboro. The bride traveled in a lovely suit of midnight blue with hat to match.

Mrs. Copeland and children of Canfield, Ark., Messrs. Spencer Emmons of Jonesboro and Shaws of Longstreet were visitors here Wednesday to attend the wedding of Mr. J. M. Emmons and Miss Hattie Kirtley.