Extracted from the Panola Watchman (Carthage, TX)
Thursday, May 1, 1958

Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Stovall Jr. Honored With Open House on Silver Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Stovall Jr. were honored with open house Sunday at their home in observance of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.

Hosts for the occasion were their son, Stephen; their daughter, Mrs. Herbert Branch, and Mr. Branch; Mrs. William A. Lanagan, and Dr. Lanagan.

Guests were greeted at the door by Stephen and welcomed into the home by the honorees, Mr. and Mrs. Stovall; Mr. and Mrs. Branch, Dr. and Mrs. Lanagan.

The home was attractively decorated with arrangements of pansies, carnations, irises and other spring flowers.

The refreshment table was overlaid with a pink net and satin ribbon cloth over pink satin. The centerpiece was an arrangement of white carnations, stock and silvered leaves in a silver container encircled by a large silver wedding ring topped with a silver bow and the inscription ``25''. Flanking this were silver branched candelabra holding silver candles.

White cake squares, embossed in silver, were served with punch, party mints and salted nuts. White napkins bore the inscription, Ada and D. M., 1933-1958, in silver letters. Presiding at the table were Mrs. Karl Stovall, Mrs. John Stovall, Mrs. Curtis Prince and Mrs. W. R. Taylor.

Registering the guests was Mrs. James Marvin Cammack of Greggton, and Mrs. Jerry Smith displayed the many beautiful gifts of silver.

Others assisting in the courtesies during the afternoon were Mrs. Roy Woodard, Mrs. Rex Haggard, Mrs. Horace Allison, Mrs. J. S. Massingill, mother of Mrs. Stovall, James Marvin Cammack, Karl Stovall, John Stovall, and Fred Massingill.

Among the 150 guests who registered were these out-of-town guests: Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Lanagan and children, Tony, Mike and Bill of Overton, Fred Massingill of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Jernigan of Longview, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cammack and daughter of Greggton, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Prince of Shreveport, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Massingill of Pleasant Hill, La., Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Branch and Stephen of Center.