Extracted from The Monroe Morning World (Monroe, LA)
Sunday, June 12, 1955

Cody-McNaughton Vows Exchanged In Olla Church

OLLA -- Miss Velta Mae McNaughton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Almond McNaughton, and Jimmie Ray Cody, son of Mrs. Ethel Cody, were married at 8 o'clock Thursday evening at the Shady Grave Baptist Church in Olla. The Rev. E. D. Dearman officiated.

Summer flowers banked the altar. Miss Sarah Ann Hatten presented nuptial music.

The bride was wearing a pink linen model with white accessories and carried a white Bible topped with a bouquet of pink carnations.

Serving as maid of honor and the bride's only attendant was Miss Bobbie Jean Vickers. She wore a white summer cotton with a shoulder corsage of pink carnations.

Mr. Herbert Law served the bridegroom as best man. Ushers were Dottie Lee Hatten and Irma Jean McNaughton.

The bride's mother chose an aqua summer cotton with a corsage of pink carnations. The bridegroom's mother was attired in a white linen with black and white accessories complemented by white carnations.

The couple departed for a wedding trip to Hot Springs, Ark. immediately after the ceremony. They will make their home in Olla.