
Probate Court Special Term, Petition of J.D. TAUNTON

From Tallapoosa County, Alabama, Probate Record Book N, page 300:
Probate Court Special Term, Petition of J.D. TAUNTON:

To John R. Ballard: Greetings whereas, in and by a decree of the Judge of said Court, rendered on the 30th day of August 1898, you were appointed by said Judge, Commissioner to sell the following described lands or real estate situated in this County, to wit: the West 1/2 of Sec. (27) twenty seven and the East 1/2 of the N.E. 1/4 and the N.E. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of Sec. (33) thirty three all in Township 22 Range 21 in Tallapoosa County, Alabama, which property is held and owned jointly, equally and in common by: J.D. TAUNTON, J.A.D. TAUNTON, A.J. TAUNTON, F.M. TAUNTON, G.P. TAUNTON, Mrs. MARTHA A. LOTT, Mrs. MANDY DEAN, Mrs. ELLEN SPEAKS, E.O. TAUNTON. Now therefore you are hereby directed in pursuance of said decree, and the statute in such cases made and provided, to sell the above described real estate to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction on the premises on the 17th day of Sept. 1898. Known as the Old Homestead in this County for the purpose of making an equitable partition and division between the said Joint Owners after first giving at least three weeks notice of the time, place and terms of sale together with a description of said property by advertisement to be inserted in the Spot Cash, a newspaper published in the County, and you are hereby further directed to make return to said Court in writing under oath of your proceedings in this behalf within thirty days after said sale. You are further directed to turn over the proceeds of said sale until such sale shall be duly confirmed and until the further order of Court.

Witness A.J. Cumbee, Judge of Probate of said Court in Dadeville the 30th day of August 1898.