Extracted from The Corpus Christi Times (Corpus Christi, TX)
Thursday, June 3, 1948

Wedding Attendants Announced

Attendants for the wedding of Miss Ruth Reaves and Dewey H. Puckett, Jr., have been announced.

The wedding will take place at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at St. Patrick's Church with the Rev. Fr. C. R. Mullen officiating.

Miss Reaves is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson A. Reaves, Sr., of Fresno, Calif., former residents of Corpus Christi. Mr. Puckett is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey H. Puckett, Sr., 2109 Palm Drive.

Miss Evelyn Lerner will be maid of honor, Miss Martha Merritt will be bridesmaid, Lester C. Waters, Jr., will be best man with Bernard Sanderson as groomsman. Bill Shinn and Wade Carruth will be ushers.

The wedding rehearsal dinner will be held tonight with Mrs. G. McCrone hostess in her home. Other hostesses who have entertained the bride-elect include Mrs. W. T. Shinn.