Extracted from The Monroe Morning World (Monroe, LA)
Of interest is the recent marriage of Miss Francis Jane Sanders, daughter of Mrs. G. I. Sanders and the late G. I. Sanders of Dodson, La., and Mr. Johnnie V. Simpson, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Simpson of West Monroe.
The West Monroe Baptist Church was the scene of the ceremony which was performed by the Rev. E. A. Autrey at 6 p.m., October 20.
The altar of the church was banked with large white chrysanthemums and white tapers in candelabra formed a background for the double ring ceremony.
The tapers were lighted by Mr. W. B. Sanders and Mr. Harold Miles served as usher.
Mrs. Mamie Ola Spence rendered a program of nuptial music and Mr. Byron Terror sang, “Because” and “I Love You Truly.” The traditional wedding marches marked the entrance and exit of the wedding party.
Attending the bride was Mrs. W. B. Sanders, matron of honor, who wore a pale yellow wool frock with beige accessories and Mrs. Harold Miles, bridesmaid, who was dressed in a pale blue wool dress with gun-metal accessories. Each carried bouquets of tiny yellow chrysanthemums with gold satin streamers.
Mr. T. F. Simpson, Jr., brother of the groom, served as best man.
The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. D. L. Sanders, wore a white wool crepe frock with navy blue accessories. She carried a white Bible, surmounted by an orchid with streamers of satin entwined with tuberoses. She wore a cameo broach, worn by her mother on her wedding day. For traveling, Mrs. SImpson chose a dark wine suit with harmonizing accessories. Her corsage was an orchid surrounded by tuberoses.
Mrs. Sanders, the bride's mother, wore a brown suit with a corsage of yellow roses. The mother of the bridegroom wore a navy blue dress with a corsage of pink roses.
Mrs. Simpson is a graduate of Dodson High School.
The bridegroom is a graduate of Ouachita Parish High School.
After a wedding trip to New Orleans, the couple will be at home in West Monroe.
Sunday, November 7, 1948