Extracted from The San Francisco Call (San Francisco, CA)
Friday, January 17, 1913

The engagement is announced of Miss Ruth Seeley, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Seeley of Oakland, and Rudolph R. Bundschu of this city. The bride elect is a beautiful girl of the statuesque brunette type and is possessed of a distinct charm of personality which has endeared her to a wide circle of friends in San Francisco as well as the transbay city. Mr. Bundschu is the son of Mrs. Bundschu and is a brother of Charles Ralph Bundschu and Walter Bundschu, whose marriage to Miss Sadie Towle was an event of the early summer. His sister is the baroness Stone, formerly Miss Anna Bundschu. Mr. Bundschu is connected with the German Savings and Loan society of this city. There are no definite plans for the marriage of the young couple, but the probabilities are that it will be celebrated in the late fall.

Extracted from The Oakland Tribune (Oakland, CA)
Thursday, November 26, 1914


Tomorrow evening Miss Ruth Seely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Seely, will be married to Rudolph R. Bundschu of San Francisco at the Seely home in Athol avenue. Rev. A. W. Palmer will be the officiating clergyman. A limited number of relatives and friends will be present. Mrs. N. J. Sims and Mrs. Henry Tuttle of San Francisco will be matrons of honor and Miss Ada McLure and Miss Jean Geary of Santa Rosa are to be bridesmaids. Ralph Bundschu is to be best man.