
Thomas Jefferson AMERSON, Jr. Letter to Sister Penny AMERSON

Camp near Petersburg, Va.
Oct 10th 1864

Dear Sister

I this evening seat myself to rite you a few lines
which leaves me in fine health truly hoping these few lines may find you
the same. Sister I have nothing of interest to rite this evening. I
guess you have heard of the fighting that we have had here for the last
weeks. I have been in the battles since I wrote you last but as luck
would have it I came out unhurt tho it was the worst place that I have
ever bin in. I outright suffered a rite smart. We had one man killed
ded in our company. George Whitehed was killed or wounded and left on
the field. I think he was killed. I saw him fall but we was forced
back and never got our ded off the field. Our brigade fought two corps
from 9 A.M. till 4 P.M. and reinforcement being so far off till we was
oblige to give up the fight. This fight was on the 30th and the fight
was renewed on the first and we drove them back with heavy loss. When
we fought them the first day we had brest works to fight behind and they
charged our brigade with three lines of battle and I tell you the ground
was covered with the ded. I never saw such a site of ded men in my life
but I fear the hard fight has not come off yet tho we have some pretty
cold weather here at this time and I am in hope it will stop till winter
is over. Peney I want you to send me some gloves by Mr. Fountain when
he comes back. Well I must close hoping to hear from you soon. Give my
love to all and write soon. Give all the girls my love and respect. I remain your loveing brother
