Extracted from The Concordia Sentinel (Ferriday, LA)
Engagement Whittington - Ainsworth
Scottie and Kathy Whittington of Ferriday announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Brittany Nicole Whittington, to Cameron Lee Ainsworth of Frogmore. He is the son of Randy and Jami Ainsworth.
The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Otis Ratcliff, the late Dorothy Cockerham, and the late Frank and Ernestine Whittington.
She is a graduate of Vidalia High School and will be attending Louisiana State University in the fall. She is employed by Concordia Parish Courthouse.
The bridegroom-elect is the grandson of James and Shirley Kindrix, Leon Ainswroth and Opal Glass.
He is a graduate of Vidalia High School and is attending Louisiana State University. He is employed by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry.
The wedding will take place May 31, 2008, six o'clock in the evening at First Baptist Church in Ferriday. A reception will follow at the Vidalia Conference and Convention Center.
Family and friends are invited to attend. Formal invitations will be sent to out-of-town guests only.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008