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TAS modules


This section lists all modules that are included in TEP_AM as a TAS module. The TAS command

SET/MODULE module name ON or OFF
will switch these modules on or off. The various run modes require that certain modules are ON and OFF, currently the necessary modules are switched ON and OFF by EOSGX. Some of the dependences are given below.

  1. FREESCO - This module will generate a FREESCO event and load the information into the PARTS table.
  2. GEANT_DISPLAY - This module transforms space points for display and displays the hits at the end of an event. Note that shutting OFF this module effectively disables hit displays from the command line since the hit buffers are not updated at the end of the event (however, some CPU is saved).
  3. GEANT_FSIM_EVT, GEANT_DSIM_EVT, and GEANT_DATA_EVT - These modules initiate GEANT event loops within the TAS event loop. In FSIM mode the GEANT event loop is triggered at the start of the TAS loop, and the GEANT data can (optionally) be loaded into the DTS_RAW table for processing by the usual TAS routines. In DSIM mode the GEANT event loop is triggered after the TAS hit finder, and the data is added to the HITS table for processing by the track finder (and any routines that follow the track finder). In DATA mode the GEANT event loop is triggered at the end of the TAS event loop, the input data for GEANT being the tracks output by the TAS routines. Note that at most one of these modules should be ON at any given time.
  4. GEANT_HIT_FINDER - In DSIM mode this module will add GEANT data to the HITS table after GEANT_DSIM_EVT triggers the GEANT event loop. If HIT_FINDER is OFF then only the GEANT data will be present in the HITS table. This module must be ON for DSIM mode to be useful.
  5. GEANT_TRACK_SIM and GEANT_TRACK_DATA - In DSIM, FSIM and DATA modes these modules store the GEANT data in the TAS tables GEANT_TRACKS and GEANT_VERTEX_LIST. One of these modules must be ON for any comparisons between GEANT tracks and TAS tracks. At most one module should be ON at any one time. Technical note: These modules are two calls to the same routine (AM_GEANT_TRACK), made at different times in the analysis loop, and given different names in TEP_AM. The _SIM version is used in the simulation modes, and the _DATA version is used in the DATA mode.
  6. TOF_SIM - This module is intended to simulate hits in the TOF wall. As of 28-Aug-1993, the TOF simulator jitters TOF change, X, and Y only.
  7. TRK_EVALUATE - This module fills the tables TRACKDBG, GEANTDBG, and EVENTDBG from data in the GEANT_TRACKS, TRACKS, VERTEX_LIST and HITS tables. The CPU required is approximately equal to the track finder. For this module to run correctly the run mode must be DSIM.
  8. TRK_SIM - This module is intended to simulate the perfect tracker. The HITS table is used to locate tracks with at least IGEANT_MIN_HITS (in table TRK_SIM_SW) and then if, the WRITE_TRACKS switch is set, the track data for these tracks is copied from the GEANT_TRACKS table to the TRACKS and TRACK_SUM tables, and HITS table is updated. The GEANT_TRACKS and GEANT_TRACK_SUM tables are updated (regardless of the value of WRITE_TRACKS).

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Wed Aug 6 16:32:35 EDT 1997