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A list of the switch variables (in alphabetical order):
DEDXOFFSET - Offset added in HIT_SCALE
to the dE/dx values after scaling.
see also DEDXSCALE. The default value is -7.770E-7.
DEDXSCALE - Scale factor used in HIT_SCALE for the output dE/dx.
The formula used is
; The default value is 2.396.
Hits that would be scaled to negative values are ignored
(see also HITTHRESHOLD).
HITTHRESHOLD - The hit threshold (in GeV/cm) for a hit to be considered good.
Note that clusters of hits are merged and scaled before this
cut is applied.
The default value is 2.0E-6 GeV.
The hit scaling routine (if enabled) will cut all hits that would have been
scaled to give negative values for
(these hits are included in
the count of hits failing the threshold), thus if HITTHRESHOLD is negative,
the codes will behave as though HITTHRESHOLD were 0.0.
ONEPADTH - The threshold below which hits will be treated as one pad hits.
The uncertainty in x associated with the hit (DX) is given as
and the positions are rounded (in x)
to a position of the form
where N is an integer, to reproduce some of the one pad hit effects. The
treatment of y is the same as for the other hits.
ONEPADWIDTH - The uncertainty in
for the cut used to determine
if a hit is a one pad hit or not, expressed as a fraction of the threshold
value. The value used to determine if a hit is a one pad hit or not is
, where GAUSSIAN is a Gaussian distributed random number
with unit sigma, instead of DEDX_ARE. Thus, in the neighborhood of the cut,
there is a probability of being one pad or two pad rather
than a just cutoff value.
The default value is 0.20, which seems to give about the
same distribution as the Ni + Cu data.
PRINTF - The print flag. If the flag is set to a negative, value the usual
debugging output will be reduced. The default value is 0.
Routines known to use this flag are TOF_SIM (suppresses output at -3).
to find the pad resolution function.
The value is that of
The default value is 1.94E-3 cm
to find the pad resolution function.
The value is that of
The default value is 4.54E-6 cm.
to find the pad resolution function.
The value is that of
The default value is 9.98E-3 cm
as the resolution in the
(drift) direction.
The default value is 0.07 cm.
XMAX_CLUSTER_SIZE - Clusters of hits larger than this size will be
cut rather than output as a merged hit.
Note that the cluster size is taken to be in
pad widths (see XPADSIZE) and is rounded up to the next integer.
Used in HIT_MERGE.
The default value is 10.0 pads.
XMERGE - If hit merging is enabled, hits closer together than XMERGE
in the X direction and closer together then YMERGE in the Y direction
are considered to be overlapping and to be merged.
XMERGE and YMERGE are used to give a tall, thin rectangle of merged hits.
XMERGE_B and YMERGE_B are use to generate a short, fat rectangle of
merged hits. The two rectangles combine to give a cross-shaped region
of merged hits as is seen in the data. See section 7.2.
Used in HIT_MERGE.
The default value is 0.8 cm.
XMERGE_B - If hit merging is enabled, hits closer together than XMERGE_B
in the X direction and closer together then YMERGE_B in the Y direction
are considered to be overlapping and to be merged.
Used in HIT_MERGE.
The default value is 1.5 cm.
XPADSIZE - The dimensions of a pad in the X direction. Used to find
number of pads that the cluster ``hits.''
Used in HIT_MERGE.
Also used in GUOUT_SMDATA, and HIT_JITTER as the pad width
for the one pad hit calculations.
The default value is 0.8 cm.
YMERGE - If hit merging is enabled, hits closer together than YMERGE
in the Y direction and closer together than XMERGE in the X direction
are considered to be overlapping.
Used in HIT_MERGE.
The default value is 2.8 cm.
YMERGE_B - If hit merging is enabled, hits closer together than YMERGE_B
in the Y direction and closer together then XMERGE_B in the X direction
are considered to be overlapping.
Used in HIT_MERGE.
The default value is 0.6 cm.
YPADPLANE - The location of the pad plane in TPC coordinates
(the Y component). Used in GUOUT_SMDATA to find the drift distance
given the Y coordinate of the hit in TPC coordinates.
The default value is -34.6 cm.
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E895 common account
Wed Aug 6 16:32:35 EDT 1997