Minutes: E895 meeting at LBNL, 20th January 1998 GR: This is our first meeting of the New Year. We will continue to meet on Tuesday, 1:30 pm in the Director's conference room, if available. The minutes have been neglected or its circulation delayed during the last few months. After hearing the views of the participants, I am convinced the minutes are of some value to the collaboration. Therefore, I have decided to implement a new format which hopefully will not burden the transcriber and useful information can be disseminated in a timely manner. The new format consists of an executive summary and action items. The mundane operations of our group will not be reported. I have volunteered for the month of January. Data Processing: Pentium farms have switched over to 6 A GeV central trigger data. Tape 40 is currently being analysed using the latest software (2D hitfinder version 1.20, BFT v 4.40) PDSF 4 A GeV Au+Au central trigger data (no MUSIC output) using 2D v1.20,BFT v4.4. Data Analysis: DB: K0 invariant mass peak observed in 4 A GeV data. Starting efficiency studies. Chris observed peaking structure in DCA histrogram. The 2 A GeV data (without packing) show no peaks (scale 1cm=1000 bins). Is this a packing problem ? HL: Showed mixed event analysis for efficiency studies of flow. Action Items: 1) Identify tapes at 4 A GeV and 8 A GeV for comparison studies as suggested at the collaboration meeting. Contact Mike for input. Postscript: Tapes 89,90 (8 A GeV) and 217,218,219 (4 A GeV) have been nominated. These tapes will be queued for processing on the Pentiums. Mike do you have a preference? 2) Get MUSIC code into CVS Pass 1, asap 3) Check with Chris about the DCA problem Prepared: G. Rai