Minutes of the E895 meeting Graduate Chemistry Rm 403, SUNY Stony Brook Monday 9/18/95 Attending: MG - Mark Gilkes RM - Bob McGrath RL - Roy Lacey JL - Jerome Lauret PC - Paul Chung AJ - N. Ajitanand SG - Steve Gushue RS - Rulin Sun TPC: ==== MG - I have discussed the TPC installation in the magnet with Joe Scaduto. Simulations have shown that the detector has to be centered on the pole tips, as we expected. Gulshan has provided Joe with all the necessary engineering drawings. Joe is tempted to leave the actual installation of the EOS TPC itself until early November. This will allow for the MPS cooling manifold to be repaired beforehand, in the last week in October. The claws can be mounted and the rails put in place before that, in mid-October. This month manpower is a problem anyway, with many AGS personnel on vacation. MG - The run control program is now near the top of the priority list. I will work on that with Heng. The Bitbus cabling has not been done yet. I would like to lay the fiber optics in the cable tray first - the Bitbus and clock/trigger are relatively fragile cables. MG - We do not have extensions yet for the fiber optics. Our shortest run is 130 feet, which takes us out to the overhead cable tray between MUSIC and the stick power racks. SG - It would be useful to join a couple end to end, so that one could test individual sticks. MG - To test the sticks we have to satisfy the power supply interlocks. We'll need rack power, air flow, water flow and clock to do that. We could use a spare power supply to test one stick at a time, if we're careful. SG - Will you talk to Joe about nitrogen ? I'll take care of it if he's busy. I need to know where it will be located physically. SG - Also we need to check to see whether laser interlocks are being installed. TARGET ASSEMBLY: ================ SG - We now have a single-target design. The target is held between two aluminum rings, held together by screws. Target out is therefore two rings and no target. I have the rings, and we can put the rest of the target support together from pieces in the BNL Chemistry shop. SG - I need to know two numbers: Where is ST, and where is the end of the beam pipe ? MG - For E895 I think the position of the end of the beam pipe is negotiable. We should have enough room to change targets. MISC: ====== RM - When is the full energy heavy ion beam time ? Will it affect our setup, and will the startup for the lower energy beam be straightforward ? SG - We just need to have film badges on while working - the full energy run is not in our line. The machine will be warm and shaken down after the full energy iron and gold beams. There might be extraction problems, but otherwise all should be well. AJ - How much time on each beam energy ? MG - A good question for the collaboration meeting. AJ - Shouldn't we do some simulations to determine whether we need more beam time for a given physics ? RM - We don't really have a generator with predictions of the possible phenomena. RL - We have not seen any simulations yet for the reverse kinematics. We are still interested in this issue. AJ - What about two-track resolution effects on the final physics distributions ? Some slow simulator work is indicated. MG - I believe Marvin and perhaps Thomas Wienold are working on this. You may want to collaborate with them. ... there followed much discussion on simulations. Prepared by: Mark Gilkes