Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 07:37:25 -0600 From: Franco Bedeschi Subject: Re: CDF policy document on graduate student thesis topics To: Declan Keane Cc: Franco Bedeschi , Alfred Goshaw Dear Declan, our experiment has 4-5 "Physics Groups" each headed by two co-conveners. They coordinate all analyst work and convene regular meetings to discuss progress on various topics. They also maintain WEB pages listing the analyses currently in progress and the interesting topics which are still not covered. Students/supervisors starting new analyses are encourage to contact the physics conveners first. The system in general does not generate many duplicate analyses. When this happens conflicts are resolved either within the physics groups, with the mediation of the conveners and possibly the spokesperson, or by forming a godparent committee (nominated by the spokespersons) charged with advising on the specific situation. Do let us know if this is sufficient or if you need something more specific. Regards, Franco and Al