Your homework grader is
Hongyu Zhang.
Your lowest non-zero homework grade will be dropped.
You need only attempt the quiz to obtain full credit.
The date of the midterm will be decided in consultation
with the class about two weeks ahead of time.
The final exam will be comprehensive.
Policy for Make-Up Exams:
Make-up tests can be scheduled for students who miss class on the day of a test. No medical or funeral documentation is needed. If a student is available to take a make-up test within two days of the original test date, the make-up test will cover the same material, and might even include one or more questions from the original test. This make-up test will be about 50% longer than the normal test, and students will be given up to 90 minutes to complete it.
If a make-up test is not taken within two days of the original test date, a delayed make-up exam will be scheduled later in the semester. Delayed make-up exams test all material covered to date, and last about 90 minutes.
All make-up exams present about the same level of difficulty as regular exams and are similarly curved when grading. If you feel ill but you are still not totally out of action, the main incentive to take the regular exam is that it is shorter and may be less comprehensive.