- Upcoming Meetings
Coordinated Mini-Lecture Series on Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Science for Nuclear Physics (Newport News, VA) Mar. 9-20, 2020
DIS2020: XXVIII Int. Wksp. on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (Brooklyn, NY) Mar. 23-27, 2020
55th Rencontres de Moriond 2020: QCD and High-Energy Interactions (LaThuile, Italy) Mar. 28-Apr. 4, 2020
Q2C: Quarks to Cosmos - APS April Mtg. (Washington, DC) Apr. 18-21, 2020
QCD Evolution Wksp. 2020 (Los Angeles, CA) Apr. 27-May 1, 2020
INT Wksp. INT-20-77W: Origin of the Visible Universe: Unraveling the Proton Mass (Seattle, WA) May 4-8, 2020
GlueX Collaboration Mtg. (Newport News, VA) May 12-14, 2020
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Summer School: Dense Matter in Astrophysics (East Lansing, MI) May 18-20, 2020
Transversity 2020: 6th Int. Conf. on Transverse Polarization Phenomena in Hard Processes (Pavia, Italy) May 25-29, 2020
Hard Probes 2020: 10th Int. Conf. on Hard and EM Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (Austin, TX) May 31-Jun. 5, 2020
JLab Users Organization Annual Mtg. (Newport News, VA) Jun. 22-24, 2020
R-matrix Wksp. on Methods and Applications (Athens, OH) Jun. 22-26, 2020
Neutrino 2020: XXIX Int. Conf. on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Chicago, IL) Jun. 22-27, 2020
NuclearOQS2020: Atomic Nuclei as Open Quantum Systems: Unifying Nuclear Structure and Reactions (Seattle, WA) Jun. 22-Jul. 10, 2020
Machine Learning Applied to Nuclear Physics, Experiment and Theory (Trento, Italy) Jun. 22-Jul. 11, 2020
Light Cone 2020 - Physics of Hadrons on the Light Front (Jeju, Korea) Jun. 29-Jul. 4, 2020
XIVth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conf. (Stavanger, Norway) Jul. 27-Aug. 1, 2020
ICHEP 2020: 40th Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (Prague, Czech Republic) Jul. 30-Aug. 5, 2020
Hot Quarks 2020: 9th Wksp. for Young Scientists on the Physics of Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Estes Park, CO) Aug. 4-11, 2020
Gordon Research Conf. on Photonuclear Reactions: Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics (Holderness, NH) Aug. 9-14, 2020
APFB 2020: 8th Asia-Pacific Conf. on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Kanazawa, Japan) Aug. 19-23, 2020
PANIC2020: 22nd Int. Conf. on Particles and Nuclei (Lisbon, Portugal) Aug. 31-Sep. 4, 2020
Spin 2020: 24th Int. Spin Symposium (Matsue, Japan) Sep. 21-25, 2020
Baryons 2020: Int. Conf. on the Structure of Baryons (Seville, Spain) Sep. 22-25, 2020
NΦΦ 2020: New Φysics Φenomena Conf. (Crete, Greece) Sep. 24-30, 2020
GlueX Collaboration Mtg. (Newport News, VA) Oct. 1-3, 2020
CNR*20: 7th Int. Wksp. on Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics (Athens, Greece) Oct. 5-9, 2020
HF-WINC 2020: 8th Int. Wksp. on Heavy Flavour Production in Nuclear Collisions (Torino, Italy) Oct. 12-15, 2020
ICFN7: 7th Int. Conf. on Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei (Sanibel Island, FL) Nov. 8-14, 2020
GlueX Collaboration Mtg. (Newport News, VA) Feb. 18-21, 2021
GlueX Collaboration Mtg. (Newport News, VA) May 11-13, 2021
Snowmass 2021: HEP Community Planning Process (Snowmass, CO) Jul. 11-20, 2021
Lepton-Photon 2021: XXX Int. Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies (Manchester, UK) Aug. 9-14, 2021
QNP 2021: Quarks and Nucleon Physics (Bonn, Germany) Sep. 20-24, 2021
GlueX Collaboration Mtg. (Newport News, VA) Oct. 7-9, 2021
- Other Conference Lists
ECT* Workshops
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Submit a proposal for an ECT* workshop
INT Programs and Workshops
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Submit a proposal for an INT workshop (deadline is typically late June or July)
Jefferson Lab List
CLAS Speakers Committee Homepage
EIC User Group Talks and Conferences
Michigan State University List
- Recent Meetings
FF2019: Wksp. on Novel Probes of the Nucleon Structure in SIDIS, e+e- and pp (Durham, NC) Mar. 14-16, 2019
DPG Spring Mtg. (Munich, Germany) Mar. 17-22, 2019
34th Meeting of the A2/Crystal Ball Collaboration (Mainz, Germany) Mar. 27-29, 2019
DIS2019: 27th Int. Wksp. on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (Torino, Italy) Apr. 8-12, 2019
GHP 2019: 8th Wksp. of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (Denver, CO) Apr. 10-12, 2019
APS April Mtg. (Denver, CO) Apr. 13-16, 2019
PHENO 2019: Phenomenology 2019 Symposium (Pittburgh, PA) May 6-8, 2019
NS3: 4th Nuclear Science Summer School for Undergraduate Students (East Lansing, MI) May 12-18, 2019
QCD Evolution 2019 (Argonne National Lab., Lemont, IL) May 13-17, 2019
MENU 2019: Int. Conf. on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (Pittsburgh, PA) Jun. 2-7, 2019
RHIC & AGS Annual Users' Mtg. (Upton, NY) Jun. 4-7, 2019
QCD Master Class 2019: Summer School (Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer, France) Jun. 9-22, 2019
NSTAR2019: 12th Int. Wksp. on the Physics of Excited Nucleons (Bonn, Germany) Jun. 10-14, 2019
JLab User Organization Annual Mtg. (Newport News, VA) Jun. 24-26, 2019
IS19: 5th Int. Conf. on the Physics of the Initial Stages of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (New York, NY) Jun. 24-28, 2019
NNPSS 2019: National Nuclear Physics Summer School (Knoxville, TN) Jul. 8-19, 2019
CTEQ School on QCD and Electroweak Phenomenology (Pittsburgh, PA) Jul. 16-26, 2019
INPC 2019: 27th Int. Nuclear Physics Conf. (Glasgow, UK) Jul. 29-Aug. 2, 2019
75th SUSSP and 20th STFC Summer School in Nuclear Physics and its Applications (St. Andrews, Scotland) Aug. 5-17, 2019
HiX2019: 5th Int. Wksp. on Nucleon Structure at Large Bjorken x (Kolymbari, Crete, Greece) Aug. 16-21, 2019
NAPAC2019: 2019 North American Particle Accelerator Conf. (Lansing, MI) Sep. 1-6, 2019
PWA11/ATHOS6: Wksp. on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Sep. 2-6, 2019
EFB24: 24th European Conf. on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Guildford, UK) Sep. 2-6, 2019
LC2019: QCD on the Light Cone: from Hadrons to Heavy Ions (Palaiseau, France) Sep. 16-20, 2019
MIAPP Conf. on Deciphering Strong-Interaction Phenomenology through Precision Hadron Spectroscopy (Munich, Germany) Oct. 7-31, 2019
DNP 2019: Fall Mtg. of APS Div. of Nuclear Physics (Arlington, VA) Oct. 14-17, 2019
SFB-School 2019, Lectures devoted to Dispersion Theory (Boppard, Germany) Oct. 22-25, 2019
Frontiers and Careers in Photonuclear Physics (Paphos, Cyprus) Oct. 27-28, 2019
EINN2019: 13th European Research Conf. on Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei (Paphos, Cyprus) Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 2019
CHEP2019: 24th Int. Conf. on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics (Adelaide, Australia) Nov. 4-8, 2019
Quark Matter 2019: 28th Int. Conf. on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Wuhan, China) Nov. 4-9, 2019
Strong QCD from Hadron Structure Experiments (Newport News, VA) Nov. 6-9, 2019
EIC Streaming Readout Wksp. V (Upton, NY) Nov. 13-15, 2019
LPC Wksp. on Physics Connections between the LHC and EIC (Batavia, IL) Nov. 13-15, 2019
Wksp. on Forward Physics and QCD at the LHC, the future EIC and Cosmic Ray Physics (Guanajuato, Mexico) Nov. 18-21, 2019
3rd Wksp. on MCEGs for Future ep and eA Facilities (Vienna, Austria) Nov. 20-22, 2019
REF 2019: 6th Wksp. on Resummation, Evolution, Factorization (Pavia, Italy) Nov. 25-29, 2019
IOP Wksp. on Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy (York, UK) Dec. 12-13, 2019
QEIC: Int. Wksp. on QCD with Electron-Ion Collider (Bombay, India) Jan. 4-7, 2020
EIC Detector R&D Committee Mtg. (Upton, NY) Jan. 30-31, 2020
2020 Santa Fe Jets and Heavy Flavor Wksp. (Santa Fe, NM) Feb. 3-5, 2020
35th Meeting of the A2/Crystal Ball Collaboration (Mainz, Germany) Feb. 10-12, 2020
KLF Collaboration Mtg. (Newport News, VA) Feb. 12, 2020
GlueX Collaboration Mtg. (Newport News, VA) Feb. 13-15, 2020
FNHP2020: Int. School on Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics (Florence, Italy) Feb. 24-Mar. 6, 2020
WWND: Winter Wksp. on Nuclear Dynamics (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) Mar. 1-7, 2020