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FFREAD card definitions


GEANT has the provision to set a number of its parameters from a file using a format-free read. The lines in the file are known as ``cards.'' A number of cards have been defined to control EOSGX and these are documented here. Some additional cards, not defined here, are used to set GEANT parameters and are documented in the GEANT manual[1] (see also the section on FFKEY). Note that the geometry can also be specified through the use of TAS tables. The command GEOMETRY is used to control which initialization is used (see section 3.1).

FFREAD user cards defined in EOSGX:

  1. BEAM

    Gives the angle of the beam. See the BEAM command for the definition.

  2. BMLN [ X ] [ Y ]

    Locates the center of the beam line in CAVE coordinates. X and Y are in centimeters.

  3. GLUN [ LUN_INPUT ] [ IF_INPT1 ] [ IF_INPT2] [ IF_INPT3 ]

    Assign logical unit numbers for GEANT input from an unformatted file.


    The unit number can be changed later with the LUN command at the TAS prompt. The actual file name to be opened is determined by the value of the logical names INPUT_INPT1 to INPUT_INPT3.


    Maximum number of row divisions in the TPC. In DSIM mode this should be set to 128. In FSIM mode the value should be 1. See also the command MAXROW.

  5. MUFF [ X ] [ Y ] [ Z ] [ ROT ] [ THETA ]
  6. MUSI [ X ] [ Y ] [ Z ] [ ROT ] [ THETA ]
  7. TOFN [ X ] [ Y ] [ Z ] [ ROT ] [ THETA ]

    These cards define the position of the MUFFins, MUSIc and TOF detectors. In each case X, Y, Z are the center of the detector in CAVE coordinates (cm). ROT is the angle of rotation of the detector in a horizontal plane about the CAVE center; THETA is the polar angle of the detector relative to the CAVE Z axis for a rotation in the horizontal plane about the detector's own center. Both angles are in degrees.

    The easiest scheme for positioning a detector with these cards is to set ROT=0 and determine the detector's angle relative to the beam with THETA.

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Wed Aug 6 16:32:35 EDT 1997