The SETVIEW command draws a volume or volumes in a particular orientation on the screen. As with the DRAW command in the GEANT menu /DRAWING, the subroutine GDRAW is called to perform the actual drawing. All volumes present in the geometrical tree are available in each of these named orientations, referred to as ``set views''. Six standard views are defined by default: PERSpective, TOP, FRONt, BACK, SIDE, and ISOMetric (a reverse perspective). An additional view, named AUTO, allows the user to scroll through the standard views of the major detectors, by transferring control to the mouse. It then becomes possible to bring up new views by clicking with the mouse on the centers of main detector volumes as they are displayed. Clicking in the lower left corner of the screen exits this feature.
In views drawn by SETVIEW, the origin and the scale of each view are automatically computed, and the view is drawn with color and visibility attributes for each volume chosen according to internal lists. All view parameters may be modified by the user, with the OPTVIEW command (see section 3.5).
The user may also define additional set views by choosing an orientation of the line of sight and a rotation in the screen plane (a rotation about the line of sight). The angles defining the line of sight are the same as those used by the GEANT DRAW command. The user may choose any names for these new views (other than the seven default names). The current view definitions may be displayed with the command INFO VIEW.